9 Tips to Avoid Distracted Driving

Published on 12 December 2019

The Road Safety Authority (RSA) estimates that driver distraction could play a role in 20-30% of all road collisions in this country. Mobile phones and children passengers are the two main causes for distracting drivers, according to the RSA, but they are not the only ones. Have you considered how distracted you get when you get behind the wheel?  Have a look at our list and think twice before risking lives by getting distracted behind the wheel.

Before you begin your journey put your phone on Do Not Disturb and stow it away in the glove compartment

Mobile phone

Before you begin your journey put your phone on Do Not Disturb and stow it away in the glove compartment. Otherwise you might be tempted to answer a call or check who sent you a message. Your focus will not be on the road if you are looking down at your phone or chatting to a friend.


It’s important that children are safely secured in an age appropriate car-seat that is properly installed. Once in motion, avoid looking back at the child or reaching for something that fell to the ground. If you need to attend to a child, its best to pull the car over when it is safe to do so. If you would like to find out if your chil’s car seat is installed correctly, the RSA hold ‘Check it Fits’ Events around the country. Click on this link for more information https://www.rsa.ie/en/RSA/Road-Safety/Education/Check-it-fits/Check-it-…


When you get into your car adjust your seat, choose your music and set the heat or AC at a comfortable temperature. Trying to adjust controls and especially your seating position while driving is foolish and liable to cause an accident.

Eating & drinking

You may be trying to save time by eating enroute but not only will it take your focus off the road, it also takes your hands off the wheel. While you are trying to mop up ketchup or hot coffee off your lap you won’t notice that you are veering into oncoming traffic. Do yourself a favour and skip the Drive-thru!

Follow the signals of Gardaí, if present, and maintain a steady speed while focusing on the road in front of you


We are curious human beings and it can be hard to avoid looking at a crash site. However, slowing down to gape at an accident may cause the driver behind to crash into you and it also means you are distracted. Follow the signals of Gardaí, if present, and maintain a steady speed while focusing on the road in front of you.

No personal grooming

It might be tempting to finish getting dressed or brush your teeth in the car if you slept in. Some drivers shave their face or put on makeup while behind the wheel, but such tasks are reckless to your safety and others so wait until you reach your destination.


Make sure you have secured your possessions safely in the boot and cleared out any rubbish from your car. Empty bottles or handbags rolling around on the floor can be distracting, especially if you are tempted to reach down and pick them up.


Having a pet or pets wandering around the car while you are driving can be very distracting, especially if one decides they want to get on your lap. Make sure they are safely secured before you begin your journey.

consider letting the voice commands direct you instead of looking at the map


If you are using Google maps or another navigation system, consider letting the voice commands direct you instead of looking at the map. Pull over safely if you need to examine the map.

Driving safely is possible if we are willing to change our habits to ensure we do not get distracted. That text message can wait and Felix your cat won’t mind travelling in her cat box on the floor of the car. Make a conscious effort to eliminate possible distractions before you start your car and you will greatly reduce your risk of causing an accident. Be safe and responsible with affordable car insurance that gives you great cover, along with many additional benefits